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Margie Potter

Margie is a peer group facilitator of the Gambling Harm Recovery Group, now in its fifth year of meeting twice a week in person and on Zoom for those suffering gambling harm and looking for a new intervention.


Having encountered her own addiction to poker machines and participating in a similar group 20 years ago she knows the value of peer work and the power of lived experience.


Over the past 20 years Margie has been involved in many programs run through Gamblers Help, and she is currently completing her Masters in counselling at Swinburne.


As a trained and award-winning speaker, Margie brings a great deal of insight to gambling addiction, continually advocating for change and offering hope that change is possible.


Margie was a recipient of the JagaJaga Community Volunteer Awards, 2022 for her input into the community on gambling harm through speaking events.


Margie’s passion lies in the hearing and telling of stories so we can unleash the shame that keeps the gambler silent.

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